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Emma Jewell

Updated: Nov 5, 2021

I'm loving sending out happy mail at the moment, and for me jazzing up the envelope is one of my fave parts of putting things in the post be that with stickers or by making my own envelopes with cool papers!

I designed these 80's papers last year and am still in love with them, So I thought why not get crafting with them and make some envelopes for my happy mail!

You can find these papers as digital downloads here! They come in a 3 pack and are super easy to download and print at home!


Open up Cricut design space and search for Envelope #M43DD6 and add it into the canvas. I resized mine to 8.5x7 inches so that it would fit nicely onto a piece of A4 paper.


Pop a sheet of the 80's paper face up onto your cutting mat, then load it into the machine.

I choose medium cardstock for my cut material as I had printed the papers onto a cardstock instead of onto paper.

Load the scoring tool into the Cricut maker (if you have the scoring stylus you could see that instead- just click edit tools to select it and load it into the accessory port!) Then start scoring and cutting.


Once you have cut both the line and the envelope, remove them from the mat and start assembling. Fold along all of the score lines, then glue the liner to the plain side of the envelope, making sure to line up the fold line.

Then add a little adhesive to the bottom three flaps of the envelope and stick together.


I also created some holographic sea stickers for my envelopes using holographic vinyl. I cut the sun shape #M10DBDF2C at just over an inch wide and used it to close my envelopes ready for sending.

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