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Emma Jewell

We all know I love a bit a halloween craft action! I can't wait to start my halloween makes every year, It's the perfect excuse to get out as much glitter and sparkle as possible.

For a while now I've wanted to try embroidery onto net, as I've seen a few beautiful examples on Instagram and Pinterest and it just looks so etherial and delicate. However embroidering onto net is way harder than i expected as you have to think about the back of your embroidery and not just leave it in a mess at the back that no one will see!

Keeping this in mind and knowing that my embroidery skills are no where near a level good enough to create something intricate and that neat, I decided to create a spooky spider web inspired net embroidery hoop. I've had this sequin/net combo material hanging around in my stash for quite a while now and thought it was time to pull it out and put it to good use. It couldn't be more perfect for this project!

You will need:

-Embroidery Hoop

-Black Thread


-Net material

Add the material to your hoop, making sure it is extra stretched as net has a little give to it.

I choose to sew two spiders, one big one small using black thread. Make sure you think about hiding your back stitches, particularly when doing the spiders legs!

One finished I added holes to the net to make it look more web like. I then trimmed around the hoop leaving some material at the bottom which I cut to become ragged to give a more spooky feel.

This DIY is perfect if you want to add subtle chic halloween touches around the house, with our going full haunted mansion!


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