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Emma Jewell


I recently posted a Video Talking about how I am using a scrapbook to help me fight my Anxiety and depression. You can find the video here! I wanted to pop some close up shots of the scrapbook here on my blog so you can see some more detail.

I’m really struggling with having CBT and finding a way to help myself beat my Anxiety and Depression, so I decided the best thing to do was to get crafting! I love having a project and having an outcome so creating something I could use to calm myself down and remind myself that I am not a failure, would not only give me a tool to use but also a process to continue getting better.

I thought that by sharing this very personal bit of crafting, it may help someone else who is also struggaling with treatment. Plus a bit of glitter makes everything a little better right?

I popped my favourite illustration on the front of my Scrapbook “She always wears black, But she has the most colourful mind’ Since I wanted to have pretty things in here as well as important things!

I thought it best to get straight to the point, Failure is something im really struggling to deal with, turning my thought process around is the main point of this book- to remind me of all of the reasons I am not a failure.

I had these hearts left over from something I cut on my cricut, so I added little words to them and popped them inside an envelope. These are to remind me of things when I’m having a bad day.

This is one of the only photos I have added so far, A photo from my graduation. I found Uni really hard- so the fact this photo even exsists is a good reminder for me, that I can do it!

I’m going to add lots of things I’m proud of/that make me happy- My pinterest is certainly one of those!

Reasons to Live/Be grateful/Be happy. I stuck in a list of reminders, sometimes I need reminding.

I used a cute stamp to add little quotes like this, on some the pages. It’s important to me that this book is full of things to see and do, so that when I’m having a panic attack or a low moment I can look at it and be distracted by all of the prettiness- You never know it might just work!

I still have a lots of the serious stuff to enter, but for now I have added lots of pretty and fun stuff. Confetti quotes never get old!

A little pocket with an insert of a list of all of the things I love.

My fave quote had to make an appearence, “It’s okay to be a glowstick, Sometimes we need to break before we shine”. Unicorns had to make an appearance too!

I wrote a long list of things to do when I feel sad.

I’m really pleased with these pages as they use the contents of the April and May Glittery hands Boxes, all my illustrations and designs. So although they are yet to be filled in, they already mean something good!


I finished up with a Bowie quote.

This is very much a work in progress, a lot of the Hard/ Important stuff is still to go in. But I wanted to share this with you to help others that are also struggling with CBT. Crafting a making works great for me, to calm down and give me purpose. I feel like this book is a great way for me to sit down and craft for myself and to look after myself in the future.



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